Outstanding Security Services for Hotels
IMMUNE Security Defense Agency specializes in Hotel Security.
We have provided excellent contract security services to some of the world’s largest hotel chains. We are keenly aware of the
vulnerabilities that hotels are subjected to and we offer a tailored security solution for hotels that is second to none in the contractual realm.

Our hotel security officers
work as team players with the desk Auditors and Managers. Our Solutions consists of numerous implementations/practices that work to enhance the client’s brand of customer service and satisfaction. They are designed to provide a safe and secure environment that provides a peace of mind for the client and their customers as well as to assist the client in their day to day responsibilities. Our Hotel Security Solutions mandates our Officers to conduct numerous security patrols (Internally and externally), deliver requested items to guest, conducts vacant room checks to ensure that the vacant rooms are actually in order for sale, trained to reset wireless connections and tripped electrical boxes, deliver expressed check out envelopes to rooms, and even execute house-keeping duties here and there when needed.
We honestly believe
that all hotels should incorporate our hotel security solution for it literally saves them money while greatly enhancing their customer service scores, and provides a much safer and more pleasant atmosphere for their guests and employees. Our security solution for hotels is one that equips our hotel security officers to effectively “condition” the hotel’s environment.
“Condition,” meaning that our assigned officers are able to assess, monitor, and take control of the environment and “weed” out all unsafe, undesirable conditions, circumstances, and activity that detracts from the hotel’s mission, vision, and values.

Every IMMUNE Security Defense Agency officer is trained to and has agreed to always be neat, clean, and businesslike in their appearance and demeanor. When communicating with those that come within their sphere of influence, they have agreed to always be friendly, professional, attentive, and respectful. They shall also consciously display a visible enthusiasm for their job and will always go the extra mile when executing their scope of duties. They have also agreed to handle your customers with personalized and compassionate service and will earnestly thrive to capture the trust and respect of everyone that they encounter as they emit genuine honesty, integrity, flexibility, and selflessness.
Every officer selected
to provide service for your hotel will be fully qualified, highly professional and will have on their person at all times current and valid Department of Criminal Justice Services (“DCJS”), or state, Security Officer Registration cards. Additionally, each officer will be impressively dressed in a professional uniform that is clean and pressed, has the IMMUNE Security Defense Agency shoulder patches, a security officer badge, and nametag, a duty belt, flashlight, and seasonal items such as raincoats and winter jackets/hats.
They will strive to ensure
a safe environment by continuously monitoring and patrolling the hotel, both internally and externally. Officers shall not leave the premises during their assigned shifts. Our officers will continuously work closely with Site Management and local Law Enforcement in striving to maintain a pleasant and safe environment, free from loitering and all criminal activity.
If your hotel has need of our security solutions that employ the deployment of our unarmed or armed officers,
simply click on and complete our Security Services/Assessment Request form. You have our guarantee that
one of our qualified representatives will respond to you as soon as possible.
Tour Group Floor Monitors
One of the most vulnerable times for our children and their chaperones is when they are away from home and are in strange environments (Hotels) that are shared by total strangers.

IMMUNE Security Defense Agency Understands the Priceless Value
of the safety of our loved ones as they experience new places and events. Since we can’t lock our children away from the world, we can purpose to do our absolute best to protect them as they begin to explore the world. Therefore, IMMUNE Security Defense Agency employs a security solution for our traveling Tour groups that is second to none in the contractual realm.
Our approach to tour group security is multifaceted
We begin with the selection of the type of security officers that we assign to tour groups. All of our officers undergo national criminal checks and random drug testing to assist us in determining their trustworthiness. However, we go a step further for our tour group selection. The Officers selected to be part of this contingency must have a maternal/paternal instinct as well. Officers on these security details must be innately protective of children and young adults, patient, keenly aware of the surroundings in which the children are staying, and possess the ability to work with and communicate effectively with the chaperones.

Every officer selected
to provide service for your group will be fully qualified, highly professional and will have on their person at all times current and valid Department of Criminal Justice Services (“DCJS”), or state, Security Officer Registration cards. Additionally, each officer will be impressively dressed in a professional uniform that is clean and pressed, has the IMMUNE Security Defense Agency shoulder patches, a security officer badge, and nametag, a duty belt, flashlight, and seasonal items such as raincoats and winter jackets/hats.
They will strive to ensure
a safe environment by continuously monitoring and patrolling the floors that your group is located. Officers shall not leave the premises during their assigned shifts. Our officers will continuously work closely with Site Management and local Law Enforcement in striving to maintain a pleasant and safe environment, free from loitering and all criminal activity.
If your group has need of our security solutions that employs the deployment of tour group officers,
simply click on and complete our CONTACT US page.
You have our guarantee that one of our qualified representatives will respond to you as soon as possible.