Security Solutions for Clubs and Entertainment Venues

If you host entertainment events or own/operate an entertainment venue, there are two main facts that you must know and master in order for your event(s) to succeed.
you must understand that it is absolutely imperative to consider and control the “environmental condition” of the location in which your event is being held. You have to consider and be prepared to control the potential negative behavior of those directly and indirectly attending your event(s). If you don’t, the atmosphere in which you intended for your event(s)/venue will be disrupted and mutated by unwanted and unacceptable behavior and thereby negatively affecting and/or chasing away your desired/target clientele. We have personally witnessed entertainment entrepreneurs build and execute wonderful establishments and concepts for entertainment venues but fail to effectively manage unwanted, disruptive, dangerous, and intimidating behavior from frequenting and possessing their establishments. Unfortunately, their failure to control the “environmental condition” of their establishments led to their financial demise for their desired clientele refused to place themselves in jeopardy at an establishment that could not provide a safe environment for them and their loved ones.
as you take the necessary steps to “environmentally condition” your entertainment venue, do not place your investment/establishment at financial risk. It is not an easy or “liability friendly” task in maintaining a safe and controlled entertainment environment in today’s society. Nonetheless, many entertainment establishments choose to employ their own in-house bouncers or security.
Moreover, these bouncers/security officers are not adequately trained or equipped to handle the delicate matters that innately accompany entertainment venues, such as handling disruptive, out of control, and/or violent patrons. This, in our opinion, is an extremely unwise corporate decision. Reason being, for ANY mistake, or alleged mistake, that is made by your in-house bouncer or security, be it accidental excessive force, or even the violation of anyone’s constitutional rights, that leads to a civil suit, is going to be ultimately placed upon your financial shoulders. Since the accusation will be charged against your direct employee, that bouncer or security officer, it will be you and your establishment that the high priced, corporate civil attorney will be coming after to sue. Therefore, it is only corporately wise for entertainment entrepreneurs/establishments to contract expert security services from a contractual entity that is corporately structured and capable of protecting your interests, both physically and financially.
A wise entertainment entrepreneur should seek out a professional contractual security service that will, 1) Enhance their entertainment establishment’s appearance and reputation through their Officer’s effective services/skills and professionalism, 2) and that will assure customer/client confidence in their safety while they enjoy themselves, and 3) that totally absorbs all liabilities upon itself.
We are a contractual Security Defense Agency
of highly professional and specially trained security/police professionals. We specialize in Entertainment/Event Security Solutions. In fact, our Entertainment/Event security solutions are extremely unique and have raised the industry bar and established a new standard. We have created a special and specific training curriculum for Officers that have been carefully chosen and set apart exclusively for entertainment/event needs. These Officers are called Special Entertainment Officers (SEOs).
Our Entertainment/Event security solutions set the industry standard. If you are an entertainment establishment or entertainment promoter that currently uses bouncers or security in which you directly employ, you take unnecessary liability risks.

We employ certified and specially trained SEOs that are prepared to serve your entertainment needs. They are exclusively set apart for the entertainment industry’s security needs and are trained to be scholars within this specific industry. They are trained to maintain the client’s desired environment that is conducive to a prosperous and safe environment for the client’s customers and are trained in entertainment etiquette to such a degree that their presence literally enhances the client’s business atmosphere by creating a client sense of assurance and confidence that allows the client and the customer to rest assured that all is well as they concentrate on enjoying themselves.
selected to provide service for prescribed security solution will be fully qualified, highly professional and will have on their person at all times current and valid Department of Criminal Justice Services (“DCJS”), or state, Security Officer Registration cards. Additionally, each officer will be impressively dressed in a professional uniform that is clean and pressed, has the IMMUNE Security Defense Agency shoulder patches, a security officer badge, and nametag, a duty belt, holster, firearm, proper ammunition, flashlight, and seasonal items such as raincoats and winter jackets/hats. Officers will only carry firearms on which they have qualified (in both type and caliber).
will be handsomely and impressively dressed in a black blazer, black slacks, black sports shirt, and black professional shoes, concealed tazers, and handcuffs.
will be hard uniform complete with weapon and clearly marked patrol vehicle, for the purpose of being able to adequately respond to situations that require more than an unarmed response that may be necessary to protect human life and to maintain a constant visual assessment of the exterior grounds.

Every officer assigned to work
will have completed your states’ Arrest Authority course and will have the legal right and ability to make arrests. They will strive to ensure a safe environment by continuously and proactively patrolling (i.e., foot, bike, and a clearly marked and identifiable security vehicle during inclement weather) the entire property. Officers shall not leave the premises during their assigned shifts. Our officers will continuously work closely with Site Management and local Law Enforcement in striving to maintain a pleasant and safe environment, free from loitering and all criminal activity.
If your entertainment establishment has need of our security solutions that employ the deployment of our SEOs, simply click on and complete our Security Services/Assessment Request form. You have our guarantee that one of our qualified representatives will respond to you as soon as possible.